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Plebe Summer Preparation and Advice

advice for plebe summer plebe summer podcast Apr 30, 2024

Insight and Tips for Plebe Summer Success at the United States Naval Academy

Two former Plebe Summer Regimental Commanders share their thoughts on the Academy Insider podcast episode #036 about how one best prepares for plebe summer and sets themselves up for success at the United States Naval Academy.

Success during plebe summer and success at the Naval Academy is not going to look like what it looked like in high school. - Grant Booker, USMC

Grant Vermeer ‘17 is the host of the Academy Insider podcast and his guest is Grant Booker ‘23. The podcast may also be found on YouTube.


Former Plebe Summer Regimental Commanders' Advice


Grant Vermeer

Grant Vermeer '17 was the Plebe Summer Regimental Commander for the USNA class of 2020. His role as Regimental Commander was documented on CBS Sports' Hoops Confidential before the Army-Navy basketball Star game that year. He was also featured in a Navy Sports article.


Grant Booker

Grant Booker is a distinguished class of 2023 graduate of the US Naval Academy who went on to become a commissioned Marine Corps officer. Grant was the 2023 Class President, a Squad Leader, and a Plebe Summer Regimental Commander.

Hailing from Spartanburg, South Carolina, Grant's deep-seated passion for the military, inspired by his Marine grandfather, led him to the Academy. During his time there, he not only excelled academically but also took on significant leadership roles, including class President and serving as the regimental commander of Plebe Summer. Both Grants’ firsthand experience and unwavering commitment to the Academy make them an invaluable source of advice and inspiration for future midshipmen and their families as they navigate the challenges and opportunities at the US Naval Academy.

photo courtesy of the Midshipmen Black Studies Club 

Grant Booker's journey to the US Naval Academy began with an unyielding desire to serve his country. His first encounter with the Academy was through an inspiring conversation with a Navy officer, which sparked a deep sense of purpose within him. This encounter ignited a passion for leadership and service that ultimately led him to the Academy. Grant's unwavering commitment to his aspirations and his journey to the Academy serve as a testament to the transformative power of a single conversation, demonstrating the profound impact that personal connections and mentorship can have on shaping one's future.

In the Academy Insider podcast episode #036, you will learn about:

  • Mastering the Physical Challenges of Plebe Summer: Discover how to prepare physically for the demanding activities and training at the US Naval Academy.
  • Unveiling Insider Leadership Lessons: Learn from real-life experiences and insights shared in the Academy Insider Podcast, enhancing your leadership skills and mindset for success.
  • Overcoming Adversity at Plebe Summer: Gain valuable strategies to conquer the mental and physical obstacles faced during Plebe Summer, ensuring a successful transition into academy life.
  • Preparing Mentally for Naval Academy Success: Explore the importance of mindset and mental preparation in achieving success at the US Naval Academy, equipping you to face challenges with resilience and determination.


Navigating the Challenges of Plebe Summer

Plebe Summer at the US Naval Academy presents unique challenges that future midshipmen must navigate successfully. It is a rigorous training program aimed at instilling discipline, teamwork, and resilience in the incoming plebes. The experience requires mental fortitude, physical preparedness, and the ability to adapt quickly to a highly demanding environment. 

Grant Booker shares valuable insights from his time as a regimental commander during Plebe Summer, shedding light on the transformative nature of the experience. Booker emphasizes the importance of mindset and attitude, highlighting that success during Plebe Summer hinges more on one's mentality rather than just meeting physical standards. He discusses the significance of fostering a positive and resilient mindset to overcome challenges and stresses the essential role of leadership and teamwork in thriving during this intense period. Booker’s reflections provide practical advice for future appointees on how to approach and navigate the demanding aspects of Plebe Summer effectively.


Leadership and Discipline: Thriving at the US Naval Academy

Leadership and discipline are core principles that underpin success at the US Naval Academy, shaping the character and abilities of future military officers. The Academy emphasizes the development of leadership skills, the importance of following protocols, and the value of discipline in every aspect of a midshipman's journey. Leadership lessons learned at the Academy are instrumental in preparing midshipmen for the responsibilities they will assume upon graduation. 

Grant Booker delves into the theme of leadership development at the US Naval Academy, drawing from his experiences as a regimental commander. Booker highlights the essential role of attitude and mentality in leadership, stressing that success is more about mindset than meeting specific standards. He shares insights on incorporating positive reinforcement mechanisms, such as positive reg tables, to encourage and reward behaviors that foster leadership and positive attitudes among plebes. Booker's perspective on leading with love and investing in the development of those being led offers a unique insight into the leadership principles instilled at the Academy.


Preparing Mentally, Physically, and Academically for I-Day and Plebe Summer

Preparation plays a crucial role in success at the US Naval Academy, starting with I-Day and extending throughout Plebe Summer. Future midshipmen must prepare mentally, physically, and academically to tackle the challenges they will face during this formative period. Mental readiness involves cultivating a positive mindset, resilience, and adaptability to thrive in a highly structured and demanding environment. 

Grant Booker offers valuable advice on how future appointees can best prepare for the mental, physical, and academic demands of Plebe Summer. He stresses the importance of building a strong reputation from the outset, emphasizing the impact of individuals who can influence one's journey at the Academy. 

The two former regimental commanders' personal anecdotes, provide a realistic glimpse into the unexpected situations appointees might encounter during their initial days at the Naval Academy. His insights on the importance of being well-read and geopolitically aware offer a broader perspective that future midshipmen can integrate into their preparation strategy for I-Day and beyond.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

Grant Vermeer is the founder of Academy Insider and the host of The Academy Insider podcast and the USNA Property Network Podcast. He was a recruited athlete which brought him to Annapolis where he was a four-year member of the varsity basketball team.

He was a cyber operations major and commissioned into the Cryptologic Warfare Community. He was stationed at Fort Meade and supported the Subsurface Direct Support mission.

He separated from the Navy in 2023 and now owns The Vermeer Group, a boutique residential real estate company that specializes in serving the United States Naval Academy community PCSing to California & Texas. 

Connect with Grant Vermeer, The Academy Insider here:


Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:06 - Introduction to the Academy Insider Podcast

Grant Vermeer introduces the podcast and explains its purpose of bringing together the Naval Academy community to share stories and insights about life at the Naval Academy.

00:01:35 - Excitement for Season Two
Grant Vermeer expresses his excitement for the official launch of the podcast as a 501C3 nonprofit organization and discusses the focus of the first episode on plebe summer advice and preparation.

00:03:19 - Background and Experiences of Guest
Grant Booker shares his background, including his upbringing in South Carolina, his inspiration to attend the Naval Academy, and his experiences as a midshipman, class president, and regimental commander of Plebe Summer.

00:06:16 - Initial Perspectives on Plebe Summer
Grant Booker and Grant Vermeer discuss their initial perspectives on Plebe Summer, highlighting the challenges they faced due to their mindset and expectations as incoming plebes. They emphasize the importance of understanding the purpose of Plebe Summer.

00:11:29 - Plebe Summer Leadership Experience
They discuss their experience as detailers during Plebe Summer, emphasizing the importance of leadership and followership for both plebes and detailers.

00:13:00 - Applying for a Leadership Position
Grant Booker shares his initial reluctance to apply for a leadership position during Plebe Summer, but ultimately embraces the opportunity to lead and mentor plebes.

00:15:30 - Vision for Plebe Summer
Grant Booker outlines his vision as the regimental commander for Plebe Summer, emphasizing the importance of instilling a culture of leadership and love for the plebes.

00:19:40 - Struggles and Positive Reinforcement
Grant Booker discusses the struggles of plebes during Plebe Summer, highlighting the importance of mentality and attitude. He also introduces the concept of positive reg tables, rewarding plebes for positive behavior and leadership.

00:23:23 - Making a Name for Yourself during Plebe Summer
The guest discusses the importance of building a good reputation during plebe summer, which snowballs forward and helps create a name for oneself at the Naval Academy.

00:24:38 - Leadership and Discipline during Reg Tables
They share a memorable experience of discipline during red tables, highlighting the importance of maintaining discipline and leadership as a midshipman.

00:26:25 - Mindset and Preparation for Plebe Summer
The guest advises incoming appointees to understand the commitment and significance of joining the Naval Academy, emphasizing the need to prepare mentally and physically for plebe summer.

00:30:32 - Physical Fitness Preparation for Plebe Summer
The guest emphasizes the importance of physical fitness and provides specific advice on preparing for the physical readiness test (PRT) including running, swimming, and cadence push-ups.

00:33:24 - Avoiding Injuries and Proper Running Preparation
The guest highlights the risk of injuries such as shin splints and stress fractures during plebe summer, stressing the importance of proper running preparation and following the running plan provided by the Naval Academy.

00:34:42 - Importance of Preparation for I Day
Grant Booker emphasizes the importance of being prepared for I Day at the Naval Academy, as it sets up future success throughout the program.

00:35:33 - Additional Preparation for Plebe Summer
Grant suggests seeking out books on leadership as additional preparation for Plebe Summer, highlighting the importance of mental readiness in addition to physical preparation.

00:36:19 - Don't Underestimate Plebe Summer
Grant Booker advises future appointees not to underestimate the challenges of Plebe Summer and to also not underestimate their own abilities, emphasizing the need to define success differently in this new environment.

00:39:02 - The Life-changing Opportunity of the Naval Academy
Grant Vermeer shares his personal experience and highlights the life-changing and transformative nature of the Naval Academy, encouraging future midshipmen to not make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

00:43:04 - The Special Experience of the Naval Academy
Grant Booker echoes the sentiment of the Naval Academy being a special place and shares his own experience of almost leaving, emphasizing the incredible opportunities and community it offers.